What Imtac does
Imtac stands for the Inclusive Mobility and Transport Advisory Committee. The Committee is the main source of advice to Government and others in Northern Ireland on issues that affect the mobility of disabled people and older people. Imtac receives support from the Department for Infrastructure. The work of the Committee mirrors two similar Committees in Great Britain. The Disabled Persons Transport Advisory Committee (DPTAC) advises Government in England and Wales. The Mobility and Access Committee for Scotland (MACS) advises Government in Scotland.
The Committee works closely with policy makers and transport providers to ensure that accessibility is a major consideration in the development of policy and services. Imtac believes that disabled people and older people are best placed to advise about issues that affect their lives. The Committee seeks at all times to promote the participation of older people and disabled people in through its membership and activities.
What Imtac doesn't do
Imtac cannot investigate complaints about transport and travel from individuals. The Consumer Council has this role in Northern Ireland.
The Committee has no role in the enforcement of the law in Northern Ireland. The Equality Commmission for Northern Ireland can advise and assist disabled people and older people about the law and your rights when using transport services.
Imtac does welcome feedback from disabled people, older people and organisations about difficulties they are experiencing with transport and travel. The Committee can use this information to inform the advice it gives to Government and others. Please use the Contact Us section to get in touch.
How Imtac works
Each year Imtac agrees a Work Programme with the Department for Infrastructure based on key issues for older people and disabled people around travel and transport. The Committee responds to consultations and requests for advice from Government and transport providers. The Committee also raises issues directly with Government and transport providers. Imtac holds at least 4 Committee meetings a year as well as other meetings with stakeholders to discuss specific policy or service developments.
The Committee seeks to involve older people and disabled people in its work. It does this by encouraging people to attend meetings about specific issues. Imtac also seeks to hold at least one public meeting each year, usually in a location outside Belfast. Requests from groups and organisations to meet with a representative from Imtac are always welcome. Please use the Contact Us section to get in touch.
Becoming a member of Imtac
Imtac members are appointed following a public and accessible recruitment process. Members are appointed for a term of 3 years and can serve 2 consecutive terms before they have to stand down for at least one year. As Imtac actively promotes the participation of disabled people and older people the Committee is committed to making any necessary adjustments to assist potential members play a full part in its work. Members of Imtac are not paid but do receive travel and other expenses.
Recruitment for Imtac members takes place each year. Application packs will be made available on this website from the Recruitment Section.
Current Imtac members
Imtac has a maximum of 18 members and its constitution requires that at least 50% of members must be older people or disabled people. Observers from the Department for Infrastructure, The Consumer Council, Disability Action, the Equality Commission and Translink also attend Imtac meetings.
The current members of Imtac are Bert Bailie (Chairperson), June Best (Vice Chairperson), Terry McCorry (Treasurer), Dr Rebecca Bamford, Sam Bell, Vivien Blakely, Andy Boal, Lynsey Burrows, Dermott Devlin, Eileen Drumm, Barbara Fleming, Nigel Flynn, Christine McClements, Aaron McKane, Paula Meenan, Jackson Minford, Dave Morton, Sean Murphy and Hayley Smallwoods.